Double Exit in ‘Emmerdale’: ITV Confirms Departures as Fans Predict Tom King Kidnap Twist

Emmerdale fans are convinced that Tom King’s downfall is imminent after the shocking developments in

Friday’s episode, where Belle Dingle was taken to a mental health crisis center. This has left Tom King worried and viewers on the edge of their seats.

In a heartbreaking turn of events, Belle Dingle, played by Eden Taylor-Draper,

made an emotional exit from the village to attend a mental health crisis assessment center.

This comes after a distressing storyline involving her abusive partner,

Tom King, portrayed by James Chase. The popular ITV soap has been delving into a coercive control plot, showcasing Tom’s efforts to isolate and manipulate Belle.

Tom’s abhorrent behavior reached new heights recently as he kept Belle under surveillance and turned violent. In Thursday’s episode, Tom, who had pretended to seek help, instead convinced Dr. Liam Cavan (Johnny Merson) that Belle was the one with issues. His desperate measures only intensified from there.

The episode also marked the anniversary of Belle’s mother, Lisa Dingle’s death. Tom, dismissing the day’s significance, manipulated Belle into staying home for a non-existent parcel delivery rather than joining her family for a commemorative picnic. At his veterinary practice, colleagues Rona Goskirk (Zoë Henry) and Vanessa Woodfield (Michelle Hardwick) criticized him during a performance review. To deflect from the negative feedback, Tom brought up Lisa’s death anniversary.

Meanwhile, Belle waited at home past the supposed delivery time before deciding to join her family, who had already left. When Belle didn’t wait for the parcel, Tom blamed her for ruining the day and insulted her late mother in a cruel tirade. This led to Belle lashing out and shoving Tom, an incident witnessed by the villagers. Playing the victim, Tom garnered sympathy while a distraught Belle found solace with Lydia (Karen Blick) and Sam Dingle (James Hooton).

In a sinister twist on Friday’s episode, Tom meddled with Belle’s medication to further alienate her, leading to her seeking help from a mental health crisis team. Despite Lydia, Sam, and Cain Dingle (Jeff Hordley) insisting that Tom leave Belle alone for her meeting, they were shocked to return and find Belle being escorted to a mental health crisis assessment center.

Tom resisted Belle’s decision to go, but she was adamant it was only for a short while. Sensing something was amiss, Lydia remarked, “It’s for the best. They’ll get to the bottom of exactly what’s been going on.”

Following the episode, fans took to X (formerly Twitter) to share their thoughts and theories, with many predicting that Cain is onto Tom and could be planning a dramatic kidnap twist. One fan speculated, “I reckon Cain and Aaron will kidnap Tom once the domestic abuse comes to light. Cain will bring up that Tom stalked Chas after Carl King died, and Moira and Chas will burst in, explaining Belle won’t get justice this way. #Emmerdale.” Another viewer added, “Cain is starting to get suspicious. It was only a few weeks ago when he previously had his suspicions about Tom. Won’t be long till he susses him out.”

As the storyline unfolds, the tension continues to build. Viewers are left wondering if Tom’s manipulative reign will come to an end and what further twists await in this gripping domestic abuse plot. With Belle’s mental health crisis and the potential for a vigilante-style resolution, “Emmerdale” promises more drama and suspense in the episodes to come.

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