‘1000-lb Sisters’: Amy Slaton’s Surprising Teenage Photos Revealed

1000-lb Sisters star Amy Slaton has pictures as a child has surfaced, and fans are surprised to see them.

Amy has talked about her weight problems in the past, and now you can see them.

1000-lb Sisters: How Much Does Amy Slaton Weigh?

Amy Slaton is famous for her sassy antics – and her size. But that was all in her past.

Before Amy got her gastric bypass surgery, she wowed viewers with each hop on the scale. While she didn’t weigh nearly as much as her sister, Tammy Slaton, who was 600 pounds, she did shock herself. Amy weighed in at around 400 pounds before her journey started.

That 400 plus Tammy’s 600 gave rise to the name of their show – 1000-lb Sisters. Now, though, Amy is down to 270 pounds, or that is the last update fans got about her weight. But she talks about how she and her sister had an eating problem from when they were young. Tammy’s was just a bit more severe. Photos from the past show just how much the sisters needed a little bit of motivation.

See how the younger of the 1000-lb Sisters looked in her younger years.

TLC Stars Had a Baby Boy

1000-lb Sisters personality Amy Slaton is big on showing off photos and videos. She put herself out there for the whole world to see. And now that she has a baby boy, Gage Halterman, she likes to show cute pictures of him too. The whole Slaton sister fandom loves to see these pics now, but they will reveal to future Gage about his past – and his mom Amy.

Many 1000-lb Sisters viewers talk about how they hope he won’t have a weight problem like his mom. Regardless of the comments, Amy Slaton loves to give updates on her baby. She says she wants to be the mother for her son that her mom was not for her. She talks about her past a lot, and when she does, Amy Slaton is a lot more reserved than her sister Tammy.

Amy does talk about how cold her mother could be. And viewers saw that Mother Slaton didn’t come to both of Amy Slaton’s marriage ceremonies to her husband, Michael Halterman. She says it’s always just been her and Tammy, and that’s why there is a weight problem. Pictures from the past seem to support this assertion about the 1000-lb Sisters.

1000-lb Sisters: Amy Past Pics Revealed

Teen Amy Slaton can be seen in the photo above. That’s from days she talked about when life was tough for her sister, Tammy Slaton. She says her mom and siblings kind of just left those two all to themselves. The 1000-lb Sisters helped raise each other – and ate whenever they could – Amy says.

It really explains a lot about how the 1000-lb Sisters interact with each other today. For a long time, Tammy lived with Amy and her husband.  And Amy Slaton took care of Tammy just like she did when they were kids. That is likely why they are each other’s best friends – and remains so until this day.

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